Carbon Credit Study - Shade Grown Organic Coffee Estate in Nepal

The Carbon Credit Study attempted to develop an evidence-based history of the conversion of cultivated land to organic coffee agroforestry through aerial photographs, satellite images, and terrestrial photography. The total average carbon stocked by the forest was calculated to be 176.5 tC/ha (647.76 tCO2).

The agroforestry system of shaded-coffee farming can become a suitable REDD+ activity to meet national carbon enhancement and sequestration goals when combined with organic coffee farming techniques. Simultaneously, it can contribute to income-generation opportunities for local communities through the creation of job opportunities at the plantation site, while contributing to environmental sustainability.

This paper shows that the involvement of the private sector in agroforestry organic coffee intervention and how organic practices can have triple dividends: restoration of degraded landscape, income generation opportunities at different levels, and contributions to environmental sustainability. This is a perfect model of a green economy.


The paper also illustrates that organic coffee farming can have a positive impact on the earth, with carbon reduction becoming a very hot topic. This will potentially see an increase in demand for Organic Coffee that is supported by bodies such as the USDA, EU or ACO when determining a certified organic coffee supplier a customer should use. The paper clearly shows that this green economy is possible, and can work to save the planet whilst still enjoying our cup of daily brew.


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